Connecting a home wireless network via a VPN to tthe internet.

Setting up a vpn_out for a home wireless network

What? A VPN connection to the internet for a home network so that all machines have access to a VPN internet connection.

Why? So that you anonymize (somewhat) your internet access without loading VPN software on all your internet accessing devices.

How? Use a SBC with Ethernet and wifi. The Ethernet port connects to the internet-VPN server and the wifi port is used to make a wifi LAN.

How I did it

  1. OrangePi Zero 3
  2. DietPi OS
  3. Wireguard client software
  4. Proton VPN account

Psuedodiagram: Device --> wifi --> OrangePi-Wireguard client --> Home internet access point --> Proton VPN --> WAN-Internet